60,000 accounts banned on Call of Duty: Warzone for cheating

Gaming should be fun but when you come across someone in-game who’s cheating it certainly ruins the experience. Unfortunately, Call of Duty Warzone has a huge problem with players cheating. Activision has already banned thousands of accounts for cheating last year and they’ve now just banned another 60,000.

The problem is so big, that popular streamers are quitting the game. Some of the cheaters have been brave enough to live-stream themselves blatantly cheating within the game, without any repercussions.

A subscription-based software offers cheats and hacks for not only Call of Duty games but also Battlefield, Titanfall and some Star Wars games. Last year Activision targeted the software EngineOwning by banning 90,000 accounts and it appears that the 60,000 that have just been banned may have also been using the same software.

The Call of Duty team sent out an announcement saying they have zero tolerance for cheaters in their games and are committed to “continuing its efforts to identify and address cheat providers at the source, who distribute unauthorized third party software for modding or hacking.” Unfortunately, EngineOwning is also committed to its software and are said to updating its Warzone cheat. Hopefully, Call of Duty and Activision continue to outwit the cheaters of the games.

You can read Call of Duty’s full statement here.

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