Google recently announced that Smart Watches powered by Android Wear would be shortly be receiving an update, which will bring in several new features. The most prominent feature being Wi-Fi for the smartwatches, if the device supports it anyway. Currently the only compatible devices are the Moto 360, Sony Smart Watch 3, Samsung Gear Live and the LG Watch Urbane, which came with this feature out the box already. This feature will allow you to continue using your smartwatch on the internet, even if you get disconnected from your phone so you will still be able to perform voice searches for example.
What Android Wear 5.1.1 also brings to the table is a screen lock feature, which again is a feature that kicks in when your smartphone is disconnected, if your smartwatch and phone disconnect, the smartwatch’s lock screen will kick in. Similarly even if your phone is still in range but, you are not wearing your smartwatch, this will be detected and will present the lock screen.
With the latest update, Google have also introduced gesture based controls, which will allow you to flick your wrist to scroll between active cards. It is also now possible to see the list of apps installed on the smartwatch, as well as contacts. This can be done by swiping left from the watch face. It is also now possible to keep certain apps active and “always on” on the screen, which is useful for fitness apps for example.
Two other new features included in the update, include the ability to change the font size on the smartwatch, as well as being able to send emojis by simply drawing on the smartwatch’s screen. Once you draw an emoji, a list of possible emojis will pop up and you can choose the one you’d like to send.
The update is now rolling out to smartwatches now and is available as an over the air update. So as long as your phone is connected to the internet, you should be prompted by the smartwatch to update to the latest version of Android Wear.