When Apple released their iPhone 12 handsets, it came in four variants. The iPhone 12 and 12 Pro shared the same size profile and both feature a 6.1″ display. Apple also released a Pro Max handset like previous years but, they also introduced the iPhone 12 Mini for those who want an iOS device but prefer a small form factor. In initial reviews and feedback the iPhone 12 Mini appeared to be a great hit.
Unfortunately, that didn’t carry over to sales numbers. It has had a weaker than expected demand and according to recent reports the iPhone 12 mini only accounts for 6% of sales. Ouch. It doesn’t sound like Apple will stop selling the Mini handset but rather they already have more than they can sell.
One of the reasons it’s likely the iPhone 12 mini hasn’t been as well-received as expected and hoped is that reviews suggest the battery life of the handset is rather poor. There are also cheaper iPhone handsets to consider such as the previous-generation iPhone 11, as well as the iPhone SE 2020. So it will be interesting to see if Apple release an iPhone 13 Mini this year or if we’ll see an iPhone SE 2021 instead.