Microsoft have announced that the latest iteration of Microsoft Windows, will be released come July 29th. Consumers with Windows 7 or Windows 8 already installed on their PCs and laptops will be able to upgrade to Windows 10 for free for a limited time. The free upgrade offer will be available for a year from Windows 10 release.
Those who are running Windows 7 or Windows 8 should receive a small Windows icon on the task bar in the coming days to reserve their free upgrade of Windows 10 and those opting in to do this, will receive notifications when Windows 10 has been downloaded to their machines and is available to install.
Windows 10 will be optimized for use on PCs, laptops, tablets and phones making usage between various devices more cohesive. The Xbox One will also at a later date be upgraded to Windows 10, although this date is as of yet unconfirmed.