It’s been a while since Nintendo have had a Nintendo Direct stream and they’ve unexpectedly announced one for tonight at 10pm GMT. The company uses Nintendo Direct to announce new addons to existing games and more excitingly, upcoming games.
This year Nintendo has teased news for Super Smash Bros, so we can expect new characters incoming for the popular game. We will also be hearing about what new games Nintendo will be releasing this year. As well as more information on new games that we already know about, such as Pokemon Snap which is due out April 30th.
Fans are also hoping Nintendo will announce something to celebrate Zelda’s 35th birthday. We’ve recently celebrated Mario’s 35th birthday and Mario got a new limited edition console, as well as seeing Super Mario 3D World + Browser’s Fury last week. You can live stream Nintendo’s presentation below via Youtube with an expected run time of 50 minutes.