Snugg Squared Skinny Fit iPad 2 case reviewed

Ipad 2 cases come in various shapes and sizes although, most are iPad 2 shaped and sized but, I’m sure you get my gist! There is such a wide choice of case style, price range, material and quality that the task of finding the perfect case can be daunting. As official gadget case addicts, we’ve found ourselves reviewing a number of cases for iPads of late and during those reviews we came across a gem of a case by Snugg which honestly, isn’t the type of case I expected to like. The  ... Continue Reading →

Snugg iPad 2 case review

Following on from our Snugg iPad 1 case review, it’s time for our review of the second Snugg case in our mini-series of case reviews. This time it’s the review of the Snugg portfolio iPad 2 case. From first glances the iPad 1 and 2 cases look the same however, there are a few differences on the case for the newer of the two models of iPad. Firstly and most obviously, the iPad 2 case has the ‘hole’ in the back to allow use of it’s camera. The hole is aligned correctly ... Continue Reading →